
Settlement remains
Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age


Archaeological deposits, representing at least two distinct phases of activity, are exposed in a coastal section. This exposure measured some 30m in length and was actively eroding. Towards the base of the section, a compact dark brown soil contained charcoal flecks and may be an anthropogenic deposit relating to a stone structure. The nature of this structure was not apparent; in section it appeared as discontinuous stretches of dry stone walling. One sherd of Iron Age type pot was recovered from amongst the stones. The walling was covered with a 0.3m thick layer of windblown sand. Above this was a mixed soil deposit which contained flecks of charcoal, shell and bone. The uppermost layer seen in section was a well drained 0.5m thick layer of loamy topsoil. To the south of this exposure, a concentration of shell was visible in section, and further along, there was a noost with stone revetted walls. Small fragments of walling were partially exposed in section for about 100m, ending in the vicinity of a stone dyke. 29/05/14 Not as described. Vegetated hard coast edge with intermittent dry stone walling probably associated with ruined farmstead. No archaeological material observed.



Submitted photographs

Image Date Caption User
To show general nature of coast edge, looking northwest 29/05/2014 To show general nature of coast edge, looking northwest training1
To show general nature of coast edge, looking northwest
To show general nature of coast edge, looking west 29/05/2014 To show general nature of coast edge, looking west training1
To show general nature of coast edge, looking west

Submitted updates

Update id Date User
1655 29/05/2014 training1
Tidal state Mid
Site located? Yes
Proximity to coast edge Coast edge
Coastally eroding? has eroded in the past
Visibility above ground Not visible
Visibility in section Not visible
Access accessible on foot (no footpath)
Local knowledge don't know
Description Archaeological deposits, representing at least two distinct phases of activity, are exposed in a coastal section. This exposure measured some 30m in length and was actively eroding. Towards the base of the section, a compact dark brown soil contained charcoal flecks and may be an anthropogenic deposit relating to a stone structure. The nature of this structure was not apparent; in section it appeared as discontinuous stretches of dry stone walling. One sherd of Iron Age type pot was recovered from amongst the stones. The walling was covered with a 0.3m thick layer of windblown sand. Above this was a mixed soil deposit which contained flecks of charcoal, shell and bone. The uppermost layer seen in section was a well drained 0.5m thick layer of loamy topsoil. To the south of this exposure, a concentration of shell was visible in section, and further along, there was a noost with stone revetted walls. Small fragments of walling were partially exposed in section for about 100m, ending in the vicinity of a stone dyke. 29/05/14 Not as described. Vegetated hard coast edge with intermittent dry stone walling probably associated with ruined farmstead. No archaeological material observed.
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